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6 Corporate workshops all businesses should run

Corporate office workshop ideas don't need to be boring. Workshops should be fun, engaging and produce a return on the time investment by the company.

We have collected some of our favourite workshop ideas.

The Art of Storytelling

Storytelling is one of those skills that people believe you either have or you don't. What most people don't realise is that it is a skill much like any other. By running a workshop on storytelling you are enabling your employees or event guests the ability to start to learn how to tell engaging stories. If you are running this workshop internally focus the event on how each person might build an elevator pitch about the business, or what working at the company means for them. 

Conflict Resolution Workshops

Conflict has to exist to create change and innovation, however employee conflict can often result in high emotions, stress and potential disciplinary action. Learning how to manage conflict as an employee, manager and director is an essential skill to be developed. Have the team navigate common difficult decisions, whether they be sales call related, customer related or just managing each other. Be aware that teaching people to ask for pay rises will result in people asking for payrises.

Company Culture Workshops

Bring the words written on the wall to life. Create a session where every staff is involved in the manifestation of your values. Turn this workshop into something that can be ran for every new employee cohort and teach everyone what it means to be an employee at your business.

Mental Health Workshops

Resiliance is one of the hottest words right now for a reason. With cost of living rising and inflation causing customer spend to decrease, we are seeing a lot of burnt out, stressed employees and managers which often is manifesting in unhappy work environments and resignations. Considering the addition of deadlines and workloads, not to mention personal stress and obligations, there is never a better time than right now to organise a mental health workshop.

Pair this with sensitivity training for managers to ensure they are able to support their teams, and also a reminder of the uses and benefits of any Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) you have partnered with.

Cyber Security Awareness Training

Every week it seems like a new company has had a data breach. Watching a few videos and being baited by email links is one form of training, but what about hiring a professional speaker to talk about their experience with cyber criminals and how, oftentimes, the weakest point in the company is the individuals themselves.

Consider also running ethics or compliance workshops. These are often obligations that need to be reviewed, but are often ignored at extreme risk to the business.

Customer Experience Workshop

How many of your staff actually talk to customers? Consider the impact you could have by bringing in happy customers to your office to talk about why they chose your product and the impact it has had on them. What about bringing in ex-customers, or those who never made it all the way to the end. This could be a great way to find out how to better service your customers and increase revenue.

If you have the facility, you could even get every individual to be trained to take on customer feedback requests for an hour, or to proactively call your customers and thank them for their patronage. Turn the workshop into a customer engagement activity.

Why Workshops matter

Running a workshop isn't about filling up peoples dairy's with activities. It is about providing training to employees or event guests in a meaningful way. You can run any of these workshops internally if you have the skillset or by leveraging an external network of exceptional speakers. You can find some of these on the BizziEvents Platform.

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About The Author

Founder of BizziEvents, Matt is on a mission to help corporate event planners create exceptional events by unlocking more time to focus on higher value work.

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