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Not all businesses want or need to go out to the local bar, club or function centre to host their end of year Christmas Party. Some companies even have individual pods and teams run their own little party as a subset of a larger more corporate event later.
We have collated some of our favourite Christmas Party Games to play at work.
One of the easiest types of games to play at any work event or party.
How to play
You can play this game in different ways. In the most popular version, one player will try to beat the clock. They will ahve one minute to complete a game that you have come up with. If they do, they win a prize, if not, someone else has a shot.
Games could include stacking cups, unwrapping gifts, balloon bouncing (3 balloons each, keep them all off the ground), Iron man (stack nuts/objects as high as possible using only chopsticks), Egg race.
You can adapt this to play as a group or in teams, where you have multiple people going head to head or have teams nominate their player. If playing in groups consider creating a scoring card and adding this to other office games.
A spin on the classic, how many M&Ms in the jar (who uses smarties?), simply fill up a jar or your tree with ornaments and have your guests guess the amount.
Nothing shouts office Christmas more than seeing desks and department divisions plastered in Christmas decorations. Ensure to set some sort of rules to reduce the risk of fire or WHS hazards. If you have a budget consider buying some starting supplies for each team. Declare the winners on your work social platforms.
Announce the latest and greatest in office bake-off challenges, a Office Christmas Party Snack. Contestants can bring in the food or snacks of their choice, submit it to the organiser to print off ingredients/allergies and then have the voters come in, take samples and submit their vote for the winner.
Bonus if you are able to pair this with a charity donation.
Print images of elves and santa and hide them around the office. Announce the rules (collect the collectables) and give people 5 mintues to find them all.
There is no way your office doesn't have an extra box of candy canes lying around, ready for this exact moment.
How to play
What Olympic sport wouldn't have been made better with candy canes?
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