Event Catering Companies

Planning a corporate event and need to find event caterers fast? Search for a caterer near you in a matter of moments.

Find a caterer for an in-house event

Looking for a caterer that can supply your office for an in-house event?

Whether you are located in a central business district, metro or regional, find a caterer that can support your event.

Find a caterer for a corporate event

Whether your event is a photo shoot, seminar, workshop, graduation event or any other work related activity, you can find a caterer that will ensure your guests leave satisfied.

Ensure to include as much information about your event, any dietary needs and what you personally would like to see and we will start filtering through our vendors.

Catering FAQs

What types of event catering are there?

There are three main types of event caterers, pickup, delivery and cook on-site. Each type has various sub-types and of course there are hundreds of cuisines and dietary considerations.

How should I pick my caterer?

Depending on the type of event you are hosting, your catering options will change. 

If you are hosting an event at an external venue, you need to ask whether they have on-site catering or whether they allow BYO. If they have on-site catering, chances are you will not be allowed to bring your own. If you are allowed to find your own caterer, many venues will have a shortlist of preferred vendors or those who are nearby who have catered at that venue before.

If you are hosting an event in your office, you will now need to decide whether you want the wow factor of having someone cook on-site, or whether you need delivery/pickup. Having someone on-site could be the show stopping way to bring people together - think paella or fresh pizzas. For delivery, there are generally a few major suppliers in each area that can do platters or boxed meals, it just depends on your needs at the time.

We recommend reviewing a few options if possible, and making a call based on the attendees you know will be at your event.
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